
  • Tree Care Services

    Tree Preservation and Restoraion

    Tree Pruning

    Tree Removal

    Emergency Tree Service

  • Management Services

    Annual Maintenance Programs

    Multi Year Tree Plans

    Tree Inventory Services

  • Other Services

    Certified Arborist Reports

    Disease Inspection

    Integrated Pest Management

Estimate v Consultation



During an Estimate a Certified Arborist spends 5 to 10 min on the property assessing the requested work and provides the customer with a quote to complete services. The free Estimate is only for a bid of standard tree work needed (trimming, fertilization, removals, and services of this kind).



During a Consultation our Certified Arborist spends up to an hour on the property, discussing specific details of care and maintenance with the client to either improve the trees situation or to rectify an existing problem.

A Consultation entails many facets of the Arborist’s education, allowing him to answer in depth questions that the client may have, as well as writing prescription needs for the trees in question.

Consultation Fee may vary.

Certified Arborist Reports

What is an Arborist Report?
An arborist report is a written technical report made by a certified arborist. It is a summary and analysis of existing vegetation and present conditions of the site with recommendations on preservation.

With I.S.A. Certified Arborists on staff, California Arbor Care offers various types of Arborist reports such as Tree Appraisals, Tree Evaluations, Tree Preservation, and Tree Preservation on Construction Sites.

An Arborist report:

  • Identifies species, size and condition of trees

  • Describes tree protection measures

  • Details specific and accurate information about trees including location, condition, structural integrity, life expectancy, infestations and disease

  • Provides reasons for any proposed removal of trees and reasons why

  • Identifies nature of tree work to be undertaken and proper protection methods

At California Arbor Care, our Arborists work hand in hand with Homeowners, Property Managers, and City Inspectors to provide you with a detailed report of your trees condition and a professional recommendation.